You may know WHAT you desire for your life – more energy, less weight, more time, less stress, more money, less pain, more joy, less overwhelm. You may even have a good idea of what habits you need to change. But do you actually know HOW to do it and make it stick? The answer is “no” because if we knew how to experience the results that we desire, we would already be there.
My background is in Ayurveda and Yoga, ancient wellness systems that teach us how to heal deeply and thrive by aligning with the cycles of nature (daily routines, seasons, etc.) and by nourishing with the medicine of nature (food, herbs, etc.). This knowledge is becoming more and more mainstream, which shows that we are awakening to our body’s incredible innate ability to heal itself, and to our desire to do so naturally.
But there are some really crucial points that are missing from the mainstream wellness conversation:
- As a culture, we aren’t lacking info about WHAT to do. But we’re lacking knowledge about HOW to make habit changes stick so that we can experience the results we desire.
- No pill, diet or exercise regimen alone will get you to thrive unless you address your habits. The SAL (Standard American Lifestyle) has your body and mind swimming upstream. There are aspects of the SAL that most people don’t even realize are detrimental, and simple shifts in these habits have a MASSIVE impact on digestion, weight, sleep, mental and emotional ease, pain, hormonal balance and more.
- There is no overnight fix to truly heal the root cause of your imbalances, but unless you heal the root cause, you won’t truly be healed.
- Healing the root cause takes time, commitment and guidance by a teacher, mentor or healer.
- Community matters. If you want to heal deeply and achieve the results you desire, the fastest and most effective way is to join a community of people who are on that same path. Research has shown that people seeking specific health outcomes who work with a group of others on the same path are >70% more successful than those who go it alone or only work one-on-one with a practitioner.
Now, imagine yourself on January 1, 2021, if this year’s resolutions were to stick and become automated. Dream big and feel that reality. Now, how will you get there?
Connect with your desire. Ask for help. Seek community. Invest in yourself.
My Essential Living Course is designed to get you there. Join an incredible group of other growth-minded people who are orienting their lives towards thriving in 2020 and beyond. I only have a few spots left for the January 26th start date. To talk about your challenges and the results you seek, schedule a free 30-min Discovery Session with me here.
And please share this with anyone you know who could use a breakthrough!