Couch Medicine

One of my teachers, Dr. Claudia Welch, talks about “couch medicine” and how so many women run on stress hormones. We mistake this wired state for true energy. The more adrenaline and cortisol we have coursing through our system, the less it takes to trigger us into a...

How to Read Your Body Like a Book

About 25 years ago an acupuncturist told me PMS was not normal…it’s a sign of imbalance. My mind was blown! Finding out it wasn’t just “how things are supposed to be” was both shocking and empowering.  Symptoms of dis-ease are not who you are. They’re a signal...

We Talk Mental Health, Ayurveda + The Doshas on the Yogahealer Podcast

  I was super honored to have this dynamic conversation with two of my fellow health coaches and my mentor Cate Stillman on her Yogahealer Podcast. If your mental health has been affected by the massive changes of 2020, learn how your habits can impact not only...

Ayurveda + Your Immune System: Stress + The Habits [Video 9]

  STRESS + THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Your body has an innate healing intelligence. Your biorhythms that support this healing intelligence are the same as the rhythms of the nature. Modern lifestyle has us out of rhythm with the simple habits that support this healing...

Ayurveda + Your Immune System: Digestion + Plant-Based Diet [Video 7]

  HABIT TIP #5: Plant-Based Diet How: Focus on a plants as the foundation of our diet, even if you still eat meat and dairy. Why: Plant-based diet is about connection, abundance and gratitude. Nature is ALWAYS trying to nourish you. Eating a plant-based diet...

Ayurveda + Your Immune System: Digestion + Mindful Eating [Video 6]

  HABIT TIP #4: Eat Mindfully How: Take time to sit with your meals without distraction from phone, TV, work, eating on the run. Why: When you’re stimulating your senses with other input, such as your phone, TV, work, eating while driving, or in stressed...