by Courtney | Nov 20, 2020 | Ayurveda & Chronic Disease, Ayurveda & Immunity, Ayurveda & Mental Health, Ayurveda & Nutrition/Diet, Ayurveda & Women's Health, Ayurveda + Stress, Ayurveda and Personal Growth, Ayurveda Habits, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Treating Common Health Issues with Ayurveda
STRESS + THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Your body has an innate healing intelligence. Your biorhythms that support this healing intelligence are the same as the rhythms of the nature. Modern lifestyle has us out of rhythm with the simple habits that support this healing...
by Courtney | Nov 17, 2020 | Ayurveda & Mental Health, Ayurveda & Motherhood, Ayurveda & Women's Health, Ayurveda and Personal Growth, Ayurveda Lifestyle
When I was in the throws of raising two kids under 3, I read something from a spiritual teacher that changed my life. It went something like this: “Whether you’re meditating in an ashram or you’re raising your family, it’s the same work. That’s your yoga.”...
by Courtney | Sep 10, 2020 | Ayurveda & Chronic Disease, Ayurveda & Immunity, Ayurveda & Women's Health, Ayurveda Habits, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Habit Coaching, Treating Common Health Issues with Ayurveda, Uncategorized
I wake up by 6am most mornings, do yoga or walk, and meditate. A few years ago, I NEVER would have thought that was possible, especially as a mother. The key is this: Bed by 10pm. This is crucial for deeply restorative sleep, proper immune function, a healthy nervous...
by Courtney | Jul 13, 2020 | Ayurveda & Chronic Disease, Ayurveda & Immunity, Ayurveda & Mental Health, Ayurveda & Nutrition/Diet, Ayurveda & Women's Health, Ayurveda Habits, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Essential Living Course, Habit Coaching, Treating Common Health Issues with Ayurveda
You can create a “new normal” in which you don’t just survive. You thrive. What do you want to let go of in your new normal, and what do you want more of? More stable energy? Stronger immunity? Better nutrition? More flow and freedom in your...
by Courtney | Mar 17, 2020 | Ayurveda & Chronic Disease, Ayurveda & Immunity, Ayurveda & Mental Health, Ayurveda & Women's Health
With the spread of coronavirus, we’re becoming intensely aware of how we as humans communicate, connect, share and spread. The reaction to this magnified awareness is fear and anxiety. We fear death. But what is fear of death? It is fear of our inability to adapt and...
by Courtney | Jun 19, 2013 | Ayurveda & Massage/Bodywork, Ayurveda & Nutrition/Diet, Ayurveda & Women's Health, Ayurveda & Yoga/Exercise, Treating Common Health Issues with Ayurveda
If I were to ask a roomful of people the question, “Who would like to have more vitality and greater resistance to stress?” every hand in the room would go up, right? We all want to feel energetic, vital, happy, and healthy. Ayurveda recognizes that preserving...