Dinacharya: Daily Routines

When we were learning to treat patients in my early years of Ayurveda school, we first learned dinacharya (daily routines). I remember thinking, “But when can I get to making all the magical herbal concoctions?!” (Because: herb! 😍 🌱)   Years later,...

Couch Medicine

One of my teachers, Dr. Claudia Welch, talks about “couch medicine” and how so many women run on stress hormones. We mistake this wired state for true energy. The more adrenaline and cortisol we have coursing through our system, the less it takes to trigger us into a...

The Power of Good Company [Essential Living Starts Aug 15th]

I went to Acadia National Park a few weeks ago. My grandpa grew up near there. He was a practical man who wanted me to go to Wharton Business School. Instead he found me cooking medicinal herbs and doing yoga…and he was TOTALLY delighted by it. Even though he...

What Do You Still Need to Digest…in Your Body, Mind + Emotions?

In Ayurveda, the fire element rules digestion. Fire breaks down and transforms food into what can be used and not used by the body.   But digestion happens beyond just what we put into our mouths. We have to digest everything that we take into our senses. We also have...

Ayurveda + Your Immune System: Stress + The Habits [Video 9]

  STRESS + THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Your body has an innate healing intelligence. Your biorhythms that support this healing intelligence are the same as the rhythms of the nature. Modern lifestyle has us out of rhythm with the simple habits that support this healing...